Directors' Meeting - April 7, 2003

MMIII IV 7 YUFA Foundation Meeting
Faculty Club

Present: John Blazina, Paul Evans, Stan Jeffers, Tiit Kõdar, Perry Sadorsky

The meeting was called to order at 12:30 in the afternoon.

First order of business: Stan Jeffers moved, John Blazina seconded a motion confirming Paul Evans as President, with Tiit Kõdar as Secretary. Perry Sadorsky volunteered to be the Treasurer.

Scholarships: Before the Foundation handed over eight-hundred and fifty thousand dollars to establish the York University Faculty Association Scholarships/Bursaries, the Administration agreed in writing to reviewing it after five years–there are three years to go. Half are devoted to scholarships, half to bursaries, since the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund (OSOTF) bursary programme matched our donation. Covers all faculties. The Foundation is committed to making additional contributions of thirty thousand dollars to maintain the YUFA Foundation Undergraduate Scholarships.

Trustees are proposing to transfer five thousand dollars to fund the Westview Advancement Project students for the 2003/2004 term. Stan White moved, seconded by John Blazina, that the Foundation so pass on this money when it is received from the Trust. Passed unanimously.

Disbursement: Historically, we’ve trusted Senate Committee on Admissions, Recruitment and Student Assistance, and each faculty to disburse the Foundation scholarships fairly. Nonetheless, there is nothing to prevent us from evaluating the granting process whenever we feel there’s a need, though the occasion has not so far come up.

An Annual report is presented at the Annual General Meeting, usually in concert with the York University Faculty Association Annual General Meeting. A draft will be circulated to the Directors before it’s presented to the membership.
There being no other business, Stan Jeffers moved for adjournment. Seconded by John Blazina.