Meeting between YUFA Foundation Directors, York Foundation and Student Services, Thursday April 12, 2007

Minutes of Meeting of Directors of the YUFA Foundation with Representatives of the York University Foundation and Student Services

Thursday April 12 2007 10 am -11 am in Room 222 Atkinson College.

Chaired by Paul Evans.

Attendees- P.Evans, S.Jeffers (Secretary), R.Rodgers, N.Madras, B.Pilkington (YUFA Foundation Directors)
J.Duklas, A. Saweczko,R.Tiffin (Student Services)
S.Rae, York Foundation.


1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Agreement Review (undergraduate)
(i) Overview P.Evans
(ii) Student Access Guarantee J.Duklas.
(iii) YUFA Endowment Status S.Rae.
(iv) Past and current support to students A.Saweczko

(a) Scholarships
(b) Bursaries

3. Restructuring Opportunities R.Tiffin and S.Rae
(i) Atkinson’s Two Assigned scholarships
(ii) Bursaries
(iii) Transition Programme
(iv) RAY Programme
(v) Community Groups4. Other Business
5. Next Steps1. The agenda was approved and the Chair, P.Evans gave some background information on the status of the YUFA Foundation and its relationship to the YUFA Trust.
2. (ii) J.Duklas commented that both York and the government are committed to covering any tuition shortfall for OSAP students insofar that the shortfall fails to cover mandatory fees and books. Student financial data is used to identify those students in need. Bursaries are also provided under the S.A.G.
R.Tiffin commented that a student’s living costs also have to be taken into consideration. The Ministry is capping support for tuition fees at $4500-any excess has to be made up by York. Some funds are also needed to support students from professional schools who have graduated with large debts. He noted that York students tend to work more than other students.

(v) YUFA Endowment- S.Rae

The annual report of the YUFA Endowment is usually produced at the end of April and is not yet finalized. However, lat year the endowment stood at $2.4 million of which 5% was disbursed i.e. a total disbursement of $117000. A query was raised as to who should receive this report and it was agreed that the YUFA Foundation should receive a copy.

Ang Saweczko

A summary overview of the YUFA Undergraduate Scholarship and Bursaries was distributed. The number of scholarships per faculty is pro rated by the number of FTES per faculty. Any monies left over after scholarships have been awarded are distributed as bursaries, the amount per bursary to be left to the discretion of the faculty. This year the total amount available has not been finalized as are not yet at the financial year end.

Restructuring opportunities Susan Rae and Rob Tiffin

There is a need to consider how the pending creation of the new Faculty of Social Science and Humanities will affect other faculties, particularly the Faculty of Arts. Susan reported that 35% of students do apply for OSAP. In 1982 scholarships were worth $1500, in 1999 $3000 (with tuition at $4100), in 2007 scholarships were $3000 (but tuition had risen to $5000).

The RAY (Research at York) Programme
This is a pilot programme which provides undergraduates with the opportunity to work with researchers. Approximately 80 students have taken part so far. These students get the opportunity to experience research first hand in order to encourage them to take up research. York’s problem is that 65% of students spend a minimal amount of time on the campus.
Support for Community Groups

The John Brookes Foundation is dedicated to assisting visible minorities of African descent who have demonstrated needs and who have made a commitment to the community. Perhaps consideration should be given to supporting organizations such as this one.

First year scholarships start at a GPA of 85% and up. However currently there are no scholarships for students whose GPA is between 80 and 84.9 %. Consideration should be given to these students.

Pail Evans inquired as to whether a specific proposal was to be put on the table. Susan responded that there was no specific proposal at this time but perhaps more money should be allocated to bursaries.

It was decided that the YUFA Directors would meet to consider all the information gleaned from this meeting prior to another meeting of this group.

The meeting terminated at 11 am.

A very brief meeting of the YUFA Foundation Directors followed at which it was agreed to have another meeting on May 3 at 2 pm.
