Minutes of May 2001 AGM

2001 MAY 29

The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Paul Evans, at 16:15.

1. Agenda as circulated was accepted.
2. Minutes of 2000 May 24: Walter Whiteley’s last name was misspelled in agenda item 5. Michael Mozurkewich moved, David McNally seconded a motion for the adoption of the minutes as amended. Carried. 
3. There were no matters arising.
4. The Financial Report was accepted on a motion from Leslie Sanders, seconded by Michael Mozurkewich. 
5. As he was still willing to continue on, Walter J. Whiteley moved that Phil Creighton be re-appointed as Auditor. The motion was seconded by Stanley Jeffers. Carried. 
6. Nominations and elections: Anthony Wallis was nominated from the floor. Moved by Stanley Jeffers, seconded by Michael Mozurkewich , that nominations be closed. Carried. The Directors for 2001-2002 are Paul Evans, Stanley Jeffers, Tiit Kõdar, Fred J. Morgan, Anthony Wallis.
7. After some clarification of the role of the Foundation, the York University Faculty Association Endowment, and the Senate Committee on Admissions, Recruitment and Student
Assistance, in the awarding of Foundation supported scholarships and bursaries, the Report of the Directors was accepted, Stanley Jeffers moving, and Michael Mozurkewich seconding the motion.
8. There being no other business, on a motion by Michael Copeland, the meeting was adjourned.