2002-3 Annual Meeting - YUFA Trust - February 25, 2003 - Minutes

YUFA Trust Annual Membership Meeting
2003 February 25
Faculty Club

1. The meeting was called to order by Paul Evans at 12:25 o’clock. On a motion by Stan Jeffers, seconded by Alan Martin the agenda as circulated was approved.

2. Acceptance of the minutes of the 2001 meeting was moved by Larry Licht, seconded by Stan Jeffers. Carried.

3. There were no matters arising.

4. Approval of the Financial Report as distributed at the meeting: After Paul Evans explained that the two main sources of revenue are interest and Employment Insurance premium rebates, Susan Dimock moved, Alan Marshall seconded the motion for acceptance of the Report. Carried.

5. Appointment of Auditor: Moved by Alan Marshall, seconded by John Blazina, that Phil Creighton be re-appointed as Auditor. Carried.

6. Nominations and Election: The current Trustees were willing to continue, but two of them are a year away from retirement. For the present, we need at least one other person to volunteer to fill the fifth vacant position. Lee Lorch urged the Trust to make a special effort to find Glendon and minority candidates . John Levina nominated himself. Moved by James V. P. Check, seconded by Stan Jeffers, that nominations be closed. Carried. The five candidates were acclaimed. As a result, the 2002/2003 Trustees are: Michael Copeland, Paul Evans, Tiit Kõdar, John Blazina, Walter J. Whiteley.

7. The Trustees Report: Add with the in the first sentence of the third paragraphso that it reads We have collaborated with the Executive of the Association of Retired Faculty¼. To make it clear that medical benefits includes dental as well, the second line of the same paragraph was amended to read to improve the level of medical and dental benefits for retired faculty. It was moved by Susan Dimock, seconded by Tom Wilson, that the Report be accepted as amended. Carried.

8. Other business. There being no new business, Michael Copeland moved a motion to adjourn the meeting at twenty minutes to one in the afternoon. It was seconded by Stan Jeffers. Carried.