Trustees Meeting - April 1, 2004


Present: Michael Copeland, Don Dippo, Paul Evans, Tiit Kõdar, Walter Whiteley

The meeting came to order thirty minutes after one in the afternoon.

First order of business was the election of officers:
On a motion by Michael Copeland, seconded by Tiit Kõdar, Paul Evans was unanimously re-elected as Chair.
On a motion by Michael Copeland, seconded by Walter Whiteley, Tiit Kõdar was elected as Secretary.
On a motion by Michael Copeland, seconded by Don Dippo, Walter Whiteley was elected as Treasurer.

The minutes of the 2003 October 8 YUFATrust Annual General Meeting were reviewed. Walter Whiteley’s last name lacks the second “e” throughout, and “Nicky” Lary’s first name should be spelled “Nikki”. The Annual General Meeting minutes will be presented at this year’s AGM for approval with these changes.
As we did not have the previous Trust minutes at hand, we agreed to approve them by e-mail.

Business Arising from the 2003 October 8 YUFATrust Annual General Meeting:
Motion #1: That the Trust approve a contribution of 3,000$ towards support of the 2003 Summer Literacy Camp. Earlier approved, and the monies duly transferred.
Motion #2: That the Trust approve an annual contribution of 5,000$ in support of the Summer Literacy Camp for four years, with a review in the Fall of 2004. After some discussion of the feasability of the amount, it was finally agreed, on a motion by Don Dippo, seconded by Walter Whiteley, that we do so, with the proviso that we receive yearly reports. Passed with a vote of three Trustees for the motion, and one against. The Chair will write to ACE requesting a report of last year’s programme.
Motion #3: That the Trust approve an annual contribution of 20,000$ to a YUFAFoundation scholarship fund towards first-year tuition of students who complete the ACE Programme between the three area high schools of the Westview Partnership and York University/YUFA. In an effort to the make the scholarship self-sustaining, and to take advantage of the Ontario government’s programme of matching grants still in effect, it was felt that we needed to contribute some 200,000$ to such a fund. The motion by Walter Whiteley, seconded by Don Dippo, asked the Trustees to contribute 200,000$, to be matched by the province, to a York University Faculty Association Foundation fund for scholarships or bursaries that is to be allocated in consultation with the Foundation and the Westview Partnership. The motion carried unanimously.
Since the amount is higher than that authorized at the AGM, we will have to get back to the membership for approval of the 200,000$. As we can’t wait for this year’s Annual General Meeting due, among other considerations, to the matching grant deadlines, it was agreed that our decision be circulated to the membership, with the offer to hold a meeting if they so wish.

The Next Meeting is tentatively set for the 2nd or the 7th of June, to which we will invite the ACE representative, Carol Cabral, to talk with us about the progress of the programme. At the same time we could take up the offer of holding a meeting at the Glendon Senior Common Room

There being no new business, the meeting adjourned at twenty minutes after three in the afternoon.