YUFA Trust - 9 November, 2005 Annual General Meeting Minutes

YUFA Trust
Annual Membership Meeting Minutes
9 November 2005
S167 Ross Hospitality Room

1. The meeting was called to order by Paul Evans at 2:00 p.m.. On a motion by Gary Spraakman, seconded by Joe Levy, the agenda as circulated was approved.

2. Acceptance of the minutes of the 8 November 2004 Annual Meeting. Moved by Ruth Anna Dyer, seconded by Didi Khayatt, that the minutes be accepted. Carried

3. Joe Levy raised a question regarding item #9 Socially Responsible Investments. Walter Whiteley provided an update.

4. Approval of the Financial Report. Moved by Ruth Anna Dyer, seconded by Walter Whiteley, that the Financial Report be approved. Carried.

5. Appointment of Auditor. Moved by Gary Spraakman, seconded by Didi Khayatt, that Philip Creighton be reappointed. Carried.

6. Nominations and Elections. Incumbent Trustees Paul Evans, Lorna Irwin, Penni Steward, Walter Whitely and Don Dippo have agreed to stand. There were no other nominations. Moved by Didi Khayatt, seconded by Gary Spraakman, that nominations be closed. Carried. The five Trustees were acclaimed.

7. Report of Trustees. Moved by Brigitte Kitchen, seconded by Sam Mallen, that the Report of the Trustees be accepted. Carried.

8. There being no other business, Didi Khayatt moved, seconded by Brigitte Kitchen, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried.