Minutes of October 8, 2003 Annual General Meeting

YUFA Trust
Annual Membership Meeting
2003 October 8

1. The meeting was called to order by Paul Evans at 2:40 p.m. On a motion by Susan Dimock, seconded by Nick Lary, the agenda as circulated was approved.

2. Acceptence of the minutes of the 2003 February 25 annual meeting moved by Ruth Dyer, seconded by Nick Lary, carried.

3. There were no matters arising.

4. Approval of the Financial Report. Moved by Jennifer Mills, seconded by Scott McLaren, carried.

5. Appointment of Auditor. Moved by Walter Whiteley, seconded by Susan Dimock, that Philip Creighton be reappointed. Carried.

6. Nominations and elections. Nominations from the floor: Nick Lary put forward his name. As the incumbent five trustees have agreed to stand and there is one other nominee (Don Dippo), there will be a mail ballot. Moved by Joan Allen, seconded by Jennifer Mills, carried, that nominations be closed.

7. Report of Trustees - 2002-3

The YUFA Trust has provided most of the funding of the YUFA Foundation which provides for scholarships and bursaries to York students. Including matching funds, the YUFA Foundation has been responsible for establishing a scholarship and bursary fund amounting to $2,100,000. The annual value of the distributions reached $105,000 in 2001-2002 and we expect that distributions will remain at this level.

The Trust has also provided significant funding to towards the Faculty Club and Glendon Senior Common Room facilities. We recently agreed to contribute up to $15,000 to renovate the Fireside Room of the Glendon Senior Common Room. These are in process of being completed.

We have collaborated Executive of the Association of Retired Faculty and the trustees of the Retirement Benefits Trust Fund to support efforts to improve the level of medical benefits for retired faculty. $100,000 was allocated to this purpose in 2002-3.

We are also providing $5,000 each year from 2000 through to 2007 to provide Ontario Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology.

The Board of Trustees approved a proposal for funding of the Westview Advanced Placement Initiative for $5,000 for 2003-2004, with the possibility of renewal for up to four additional years. The membership was consulted on this matter and a resolution passed at the last annual meeting. The project will support enrolment of up to 20 students from Westview Centennial Secondary School, and Cardinal McGuigan High School to take one half course for credit at York University. They will receive additional support from a variety of structures as preparation for this course, and while taking this course. The Advanced Placement experience is designed to support an effective choice by local high school students to attend University and be well prepared for this transition. The Proposal has also been presented to the Administration for matching funding. The first year of funding is not conditional on this matching funding, but renewal will be decided after review of the program in February 2004, including the request for matching funds and other requests for support. The funds would be transmitted to the YUFA Foundation.

The Trustees have recently received and are starting to consider proposals for additional involvement in various proposed initiatives in the local community.

2002-2003 Trustees were as follows:

Michael Copeland - 33626 - copeland@yorku.ca

Paul Evans – 416-209-5801 - pevans@yorku.ca

Tiit Kõdar - 33527 - tkodar@yorku.ca

Walter Whiteley – 22598 – whiteley@yorku.ca

John Blazina - 416-736-5134 - jblazina@yorku.ca

Motion #1: that the YUFA Trust approves a contribution of $3,000 to support the Summer Literacy Camp operated by the York-Westview Partnership in the summer of 2003).

The motion was moved by Walter Whiteley, and seconded by Lorna Erwin. Carried.

Motion #2: that the YUFA Trust approve an annual contribution of $5,000 to support the Summer Literacy Camp operated by the York-Westview Partnership for a period of four years, followed by a review in the Fall of 2004.

After some discussion, moved by Scott McLaren, seconded by Susan Dimock, that the Trustees report back on the financial implications of such an ongoing commitment. Carried.

Motion #3: that the YUFA Trust approve an annual contribution of $20,000 to a scholarship fund through the YUFA Foundation, to be used to pay the first-year tuition of students who have successfully completed the ACE Programme between three area high schools and York University/YUFA. The selection of scholarship holders to be approved by the YUFA Foundation in consultation with area high schools.

This too received general support. With the understanding that any motion passed at this meeting is advisory only, the Trustees were asked to consider the proposal, and come up with a decision by early December of this year. It was so moved by Susan Dimock, seconded by Jay Rahn. Carried.

8. There being no other business, Susan Dimock moved to adjourn, seconded by Nick Lary. Carried.