YUFA Trust
Meeting Minutes
6 December 2004
YUFA Office
HNES Bldg.
1. The meeting was called to order at 12:20 by Paul Evans. An agenda was created and approved.
2. Minutes of the 8 November 2004 Annual Meeting. The minutes of this meeting had not yet been circulated so approval of the minutes was deferred until the next meeting.
3. There were no matters arising.
4. Nominations and Elections. The Chair welcomed new members and gave a brief history of the YUFA Trust. Moved by Walter Whiteley, seconded by Penny Stewart, that the YUFA Trust documents be mounted on the YUFA website. Carried.
The officers of the Trust expressed a willingness to continue on in their respective positions for another year. Moved by Penni Stewart, seconded by Lorna Erwin, that nominations for officers of the Trust be closed. Carried. The officers are: Paul Evans, Chair; Walter Whiteley, Treasurer; Don Dippo, Recording Secretary.
5. Proposal to Donate Funds. Moved by Penni Stewart, seconded by Lorna Erwin, that the funds authorized by the membership at the Annual General Membership Meeting be placed in the YUFA / Jane-Finch Bursary Fund, and that the YUFA Foundation be responsible for the monitoring of this contribution which task will be delegated to the YUFA Community Projects Committee, and that the YUFA Foundation be responsible for the monitoring of this contribution in the event that the YUFA Community Projects Committee is unable to do so. Carried.
6. ACE Request. Moved by Penni Stewart, seconded by Lorna Erwin, that the YUFA Trust provide $10,000 one-time-only to make up the shortfall in this year’s Advanced Credit Experience budget and that the Community Projects Committee be urged to continue to seek matching funds from the Administration. Carried.
7. There was no other business.
8. Motion to Adjourn. Moved by Penni Stewart, seconded by Lorna Erwin, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried.
YUFA Trust
Meeting Minutes
6 December 2004
YUFA Office
HNES Bldg.
1. The meeting was called to order at 12:20 by Paul Evans. An agenda was created and approved.
2. Minutes of the 8 November 2004 Annual Meeting. The minutes of this meeting had not yet been circulated so approval of the minutes was deferred until the next meeting.
3. There were no matters arising.
4. Nominations and Elections. The Chair welcomed new members and gave a brief history of the YUFA Trust. Moved by Walter Whiteley, seconded by Penny Stewart, that the YUFA Trust documents be mounted on the YUFA website. Carried.
The officers of the Trust expressed a willingness to continue on in their respective positions for another year. Moved by Penni Stewart, seconded by Lorna Erwin, that nominations for officers of the Trust be closed. Carried. The officers are: Paul Evans, Chair; Walter Whiteley, Treasurer; Don Dippo, Recording Secretary.
5. Proposal to Donate Funds. Moved by Penni Stewart, seconded by Lorna Erwin, that the funds authorized by the membership at the Annual General Membership Meeting be placed in the YUFA / Jane-Finch Bursary Fund, and that the YUFA Foundation be responsible for the monitoring of this contribution which task will be delegated to the YUFA Community Projects Committee, and that the YUFA Foundation be responsible for the monitoring of this contribution in the event that the YUFA Community Projects Committee is unable to do so. Carried.
6. ACE Request. Moved by Penni Stewart, seconded by Lorna Erwin, that the YUFA Trust provide $10,000 one-time-only to make up the shortfall in this year’s Advanced Credit Experience budget and that the Community Projects Committee be urged to continue to seek matching funds from the Administration. Carried.
7. There was no other business.
8. Motion to Adjourn. Moved by Penni Stewart, seconded by Lorna Erwin, that the meeting be adjourned. Carried.