Minutes of YUFA Trustees Meeting April 27, 2010

Minutes of the YUFA Trust

April 27, 2010


    • 1. Members Present : Paul Evans (Chair), Walter Whiteley (Treasurer), Richard Wellen (secretary) Lorna Erwin(member), Penni Stewart (member)


    • 2. Minutes of Yufa Trust Meeting of October 27,2009: Approved (Lorna moved, Richard second)


    • 3. Minutes of YUFA Trust Annual General Meeting, November 17,2009: Approved (Lorna moved, Richard second)


    • 4. Business arising: Members expressed disappointment at the apparent lack of progress in pursuing the issues of socially responsible investment made by the York Foundation. Paul will send a letter to the Foundation expressing our view and requesting the Foundations investment guidelines.


    • 5. New Business: It was agreed that officers for the coming year will be: Paul Evans(Chair)Richard Wellen (Secretary), Walter Whiteley (treasurer)


    • 6. Motion to renew ACE funding. Approved.(Penni Moved, Walter second).


    • 7. Paul noted that YUFA had held its annual meeting before the end of the (financial)year and although the Trust usually meets at that same time we could not take advantage of the YUFA date because as a corporate body we are governed by legislation. Instead we will tag onto the next YUFA meeting which we expect to be held in the early fall.


    • 8. We met with Dean Alice Pitt and Associate Dean Don Dippo to consider a new funding request for Westview project. The conversation will continue at another meeting.


    • 9. Other business: none


    10. Meeting adjourned 2:30pm