YUFA Trust Nov 10, 2006 AGM Minutes

1. Meeting was called to order at 3pm

2. Paul Evans, Chair distributed the Annual Report

3. Agenda-motion to approve: Pstewart, second A.Hilliker. Passed

4. Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2005. Motion to approve: D. Dippo, second L. Ripley. Passed

5. Annual Report

a)Motion 1 that "The Trustees support the work of the YUFA Foundation in awarding and monitoring scholarships to York University students. In order that the funds of the YUFA Foundation not be depleted, it is recommended that routine audit and associated fees of the YUFA Foundation be paid by the trust on an ongoing basis. Moved : D.Dippo, second, P.Stewart. Passed.b) Motion 2 that "YUFA Trust provide the YUFA Foundation with $36,000.00 . $30,000 will be used to see k matching funds from the Ontario Government resulting in an ongoing annual scholarship of $3,000 commencing in 2008-9. In addition, $6,000.00 ( $3,000.00 annually)will be given to the Foundation to reimburse it for the first 2 years of establishing a new scholarship for the Faculty of Health Moved: A.Hilliker, second, D.Dippo. Passed.
6. Financial Statements. Motion to approve: P.Stewart, second, B. Pilkington. Passed.

7. Reappointment of Philip Creighton as auditor. Moved: A. Hilliker, second, D. Peltier. Passed

8. Nominations: Motion : To approve the reappointment of the current trustees. Moved: A.Hilliker, second, D.Dippo.Passed.

9. Motion to adjourn. Moved : A. Hilliker, second D.Dippo. Meeting adjourned at 3:15.