YUFA Trust October 15, 2008 Annual Meeting Minutes - Draft

Minutes of Meeting of the YUFA Trust held in Michelangelo’s Restaurant, Atkinson College, October 15 2008 at 7 pm

P.Evans chaired the meeting, S.Jeffers acted as Secretary.

1. Approval of Agenda-the agenda was approved on a motion from N.Madras, seconded by M.Horn.

2. Minuets of meeting of the Trust Tuesday October 16 2007-the minuets of the last meeting of the Trust were approved on a motion from G. Gotshalks, seconded by D.Cabianca.

3. Matters arising from the minutes-there were no matters arising.

4. Approval of the Annual Report- this was approved on a motion from L.Ripley, seconded by N.Madras.

5. Renewal of Auditor
P.Creighton has agreed to continue in this capacity. This was agreed to on a motion from M.Horn, seconded by L.Ripley.

6.Nominations and Elections-one vacancy arises due to the retirement of S.Jeffers.
J.Hattiangadi and M.Horn both agreed to serve on the Trust.
These nominations were approved on a motion from M.Horn , seconded by L.Ripley.

7. Trustees Report

The trustees report was presented which included the following two motions:

1. The Trustees have agreed, subject to membership approval, contribute up to $11,000 to equally match expenditures of the Glendon Senior Common Room to renovate their kitchen and replace carpeting.

2. The Trustees previously approved and the membership accepted contributions of $5,000 each year to each of the Advanced Credit Experience and the Readers to Leaders programs which are offered by York University in collaboration with the Toronto public and Catholic school boards. These contributions will continue for a further year subject to the receipt of satisfactory reports from these two programs.

S.Dimmock asked if consideration could be given to supporting mature and returning students. This suggestion was duly noted for future consideration. M.Horn issued an invitation to everyone to become members of the Glendon Senior Common Room. One could have a meal at the Common Room without actually becoming a member on a one time only basis.

The Trustees Report was accepted on a motion from L.Ripley, seconded by J.Hattiangadi.

8 Any Other Business-there was no other business.

The meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm on a motion from S.Dimmock, seconded by L.Ripley.