1998 Annual Meeting Minutes

YUFA Trust
Minutes of the AGM held May 26th., 1998

1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order by Paul Evans at 4:40 p.m.

2. Approval of Agenda: Motion 1

"That the agenda be approved as circulated." Proposed by David Wiesenthal, seconded by Stan Jeffers. Carried.

3. Minutes of 1997 AGM: Motion 2

"That the minutes of the 1997 AGM be approved as distributed." Proposed by Kathy Bischoping, seconded by Michael Michie. Carried.

4. Financial Report: Motion 3

Paul Evans reported. The statements have not yet been approved by the auditor. The Trust has equity of $ 380-400,000 after taking into account the $ 600,000 pledged to the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund.

"That the verbal financial report by Paul Evans be accepted." Proposed by Michael Michie, seconded by Jim Benson. Carried.

5. Appointment of Auditor: Motion 4

"That Philip Creighton be reappointed as auditor for 1998-99." Proposed by David Clipsham, seconded by Gary Spraakman. Carried.

6. Nomination and Election of Trustees: Motion 5

"That the present trustees continue, with the exception that Michael Kainer be replaced by Neil Wiener." Proposed by Igor Kusyszyn, seconded by Gary Spraakman. Carried.

7. Trustees' Report: Motion 6

"That the Trustees' Report be accepted." Proposed by David Clipsham seconded by Gail Kellough. Carried.

8. Other Business

A member proposed that there should be publicity when the scholarship money was transferred from the YUFA Foundation and Trust to the university. A meeting with the appropriate vice-president was proposed, along with publicity through the Communications Department.

9. Adjournment: Motion 7

"That the meeting be adjourned." Proposed by Michael Michie at 4:52, seconded by Gary Spraakman. Carried.